Edited by Anelia Kassabova und Sandra Maß
165 pages
ISBN: 978-3-8471-1454-3, ISSN: 1016-362X
Published April 2023
Order print issue and digital version at V&R
"Children in Homes" is part of the critical debates on this socially important topic. How did the guiding ideas of home upbringing develop, how did change the principles and practices of socialisation in certain values and identities (gender-specific, social, religious, national); how did the concept of 'neglect'/'Verwahrlosung' change and with which gender-specific connotations was it connected, who were the actors of social work; what possibilities of self-determination were available to the boarders/'Zoeglinge'; when and by whom were critical discourses developed, how was the sensitisation for the field of tension between institutional childcare/education and the subjectivity of the children/adolescents. The multifaceted questions are analysed from different perspectives using multi-layered sources from the 19th and 20th centuries in a broad geography.
Table of content (pdf)
Editorial (German) (pdf)
Abstract of main articles (pdf)
Table of content
Anelia Kassabova und Sandra Maß
Editorial S. 7-17
Mary Romero and Eric Margolis
More Than Total Institutions. 19 and 20th Century US Indigenous Residential and Boarding Schools, S. 19-37
Nazan Maksudyan
For the Holy War and Motherland. Ottoman State Orphanages (Darüleytams) in the Context of the First World War and the Armenian Genocide, S. 39-59.
Kristina Popova
Geschlossene Einrichtungen und soziale Fürsorge für Mädchen in Bulgarien in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts, S. 61-78
Julia Reus
Zugehörigkeiten nach dem Krieg. Kinder im Blick des alliierten Kindersuchdienstes, S. 79-96
Alexa von Winning
Väter und Töchter. Frauen als imperiale Akteurinnen zwischen Religion und Familie im Russländischen Imperium, S. 97-112
Anelia Kassabova im Gespräch mit Sabine Hering
Erziehung zu ,Zucht und Ordnung‘. Mädchenfürsorge in Deutschland (1871–1970), S. 113-120
From the Archives
Marit Monteiro and Maaike Derksen
Redifining and Tracing Colonial Heritage. A Location-Based Aprooach of Children's Homes, S. 121-125
Stefania Pitscheider Soraperra
Das Frauenmuseum Hittisau, ein Ort der Vielstimmigkeit und Inklusion, S. 127-134
News & Commentary
Freund*innen der Geschlechtergeschichte
Kein unerträgliches Zurück! Protest gegen die Streichung des Lehrstuhls für Geschlechtergeschichte an der Universität Jena, S. 135-139
Topic Specific Review
Nicolas Henckes
Anatole Le Bras, Un enfant à l’asile. Vie de Paul Taesch (1874-1914), S.141-143
Maren Hachmeister
Friederike Kind-Kovács, Budapest's Children. Humanitarian Relief in the Aftermath of the Great War, S. 143-145
Veronika Stoyanova
Claire McGettrick, Katherine O’Donnell, Maeve O’Rourke, James M. Smith, and Mari Steed, Ireland and the Magdalene Laundries. A Campaign for Justice, S. 146-148
Open Reviews
Ninja Bumann
Making Muslim Women European. Voluntary Associations, Gender, and Islam in Post-Ottoman Bosnia and Yugoslavia (1878-1941), S. 149-152
Abstracts, S.153-155
Anschriften der Autor*innen, S. 157-158