Edited by Claudia Kraft und Margareth Lanzinger
176 pages
ISBN: 978-3-7370-1068-9, ISSN: 1016-362X
Published April 2020
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For our English readers:
Please note that two articles (by Evdoxios Doxiadis and Marie-Pierre Arrizabalaga) are in English as well as the abstracts.
Marriage, divorce, access to property during and after marriage, all this was structured over the centuries by ecclesiastical and civil provisions. Law thus had a very direct influence on personal life. The nineteenth century in particular was characterized by increasing legal unification, but particular rights continued to exist in larger territorial contexts. This legal heterogeneity as well as migration between different jurisdictional spaces could open up new possibilities to act. Conversely, different affiliations in regard to confession or ethnicity could pose great challenges for couples willing to marry. The aim of this issue is to ask at the interfaces between different legal logics about the spheres of action of men and women and the associated gender norms.
Table of content (pdf)
Editorial (German) (pdf)
Abstract of main articles (pdf)
Titelinformationen V&R (pdf)
Table of content
Claudia Kraft und Margareth Lanzinger
Editorial (PDF) S. 9-16
Jana Osterkamp
Familie, Macht, Differenz, Familienrecht(e) in der Habsburgermonarchie als Herausforderung des Empire, S. 17-34
Family, Domination and Difference, Family Law(s) in the Habsburg Monarchy as a Challenge for the Empire
Evdoxios Doxiadis
“Ous o Theos Synezeuxen, Anthropos me Chrizeto”: State, Church and Divorce from the Ottoman Empire to the Early Modern Greek State, S. 35-52
Marie-Pierre Arrizabalaga
Women, Inheritance and Empowerment: French Basque Women’s Adaption to Legal Systems across Spaces, Times and Places, S. 53-68
Lena Radauer und Maren Röger
Mobilität und Ordnung. Eine Rechts- und Gesellschaftsgeschichte deutsch-russländischer Eheschließungen 1875-1926, S. 69-86
Mobility and Order. A Legal and Societal History of German-Russian Marriages 1875-1926
Regula Ludi und Matthias Ruoss
Die Großmütter und wir: Freiwilligkeit, Feminismus und Geschlechterarrangements in der Schweiz, S.87-104
The Grandmothers and Us: Voluntarism, Feminism and Gender Arrangements in Switzerland
From the Archives
Ninja BumannEhe und Scheidung nach der Scharia. Schariagerichtsakten aus dem habsburgischen Bosnien-Herzegowina (1878-1918), S.105-109.
Traude Kogoj
Die Eisenbahnerinnen in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus. Erkenntnisinteresse und Leerstellen, S.111-119
News & Commentary
Erdmute Alber
Verwandtschaftshandeln in einer ökonomisch auseinanderdriftenden Gesellschaft: Eine Hochzeit in Benin (Westafrika), S.121-128
Regina Mühlhauser
Sexuelle Gewalt als Kriegswaffe. Zur Entwicklung eines Verständnisses seit den 1970er-Jahren, S.129-138
Topic Specific Reviews
Siglinde Clementi
Lyndan Warner (Hg.) Stepfamilies in Europe, 1400-1800, S.139-141
Mary Jo Maynes
Julia Moses (ed.), Marriage, Law and Modernity. Global Histories, S. 141-144
Frithjof Benjamin Schenk
Ulrike Lindner u. Dörte Lerp (Hg.), New Perspectives on the History of Gender and Empire. Comparative and Global Approaches, S. 144-148.
Natali Stegmann
Sara L. Kimble u. Marion Röwekamp (Hg.), New Perspectives on European Women’s Legal History of Gender and Empire. Comparative and Global Approaches,
S. 148-151
Further Reviews
Aline Vogt
Maren Lorenz, Menschenzucht. Frühe Ideen und Strategien 1500-1870, S. 153-156
Christof Jeggle
Anna Bellavitis, Women’s Work and Rights in Early Modern Urban Europe, S. 156-159
Cornelia Baddack
Johanna Gehmacher, Elisa Heinrich u. Corinna Oesch, Käthe Schirmacher. Agitation und autobiografische Praxis zwischen radikaler Frauenbewegung und völkischer Politik, S.159-162
Anna Hájková
Laura Fahnebruck. Ein(ver)nehmen. Sexualität und Alltag von Wehrmachtssoldaten in den besetzten Niederlanden, S. 162-166
Johann Karl Kirchknopf
Alexander Zinn, „Aus dem Volkskörper entfernt“? Homosexuelle Männer im Nationalsozialismus, S. 166-170
Abstracts, S. 171-173